This is the first entry into this Blog of Existence. It was created to share information, news, thoughts about my journey in Nepal and Tibet as well as the solar energy installation in the remote school in the Himalayan village of Dhawa.
After months of preparations and thousands of emails the time has come to get some field action! Everything is (almost) ready in the school, visa is issued, my stuff in London in a storage unit and me counting the remaining hours (72) to get my flight. The weather last week has been miserable here and I can't wait to escape the city jungle for the proper himalayan one! :)
I will be posting into this blog everytime I will have internet access, uploading photos, news and even music I will be currently listening! I am not very familiar how blogs work and the possibilities available but I will do my best to do a nice, enjoyable, easy to read blog!
For my greek friends, συνήθως θα γράφω στα αγγλικά γιατί απλά θα μου είναι πιο εύκολο με τα εκεί πληκτρολόγια, αν και προτιμώ να γράφω ελλινιστί και να εκφράζομαι με την μητρική πλούσια γλώσσα μας!
That is all for now, I am in a packing mode... I will post some more info about the project soon!
All the best!
kala to estises to blog file bravo!
kai etsi 8a ma8enoume nea sou
keep walking :) nikos
Nai poly oraio ... ax kale !
Kalo taksidi kai kane olous tous Nepalezous Vazelous !
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